
(西安近代化学研究所,陕西 西安 710065)

增材制造; 3D打印; 火炸药; 成型技术; 研究进展

Developments of Additive Manufacture Technology in Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics
YANG Wei-tao, XIAO Xia, HU Rui, YANG Jian-xing, ZHAO Yu-hua, WANG Qiong-lin

(Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, China)

additive manufacture; 3D printing; propellants and explosives; fabrication technology; development

DOI: 10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.201907033


针对国内外火工品、炸药、发射药、推进剂增材制造技术,按照增材制造的技术特点和应用方向,综述了国内外增材制造技术在火炸药成型中的研究现状。概述了材料喷射成型(Material jetting)、材料挤出成型(Material extruding)、光聚合固化技术(Vat photopolymerization)的成型原理、工艺特点及在火炸药成型中的应用情况,介绍了各类增材制造技术中火炸药的物料特性,并对火炸药增材制造技术发展方向进行了预测。指出火炸药增材制造应按照火炸药的应用背景,对增材制造火炸药配方(即耗材)的能量特性、力学特性、能量释放特性及工艺适配性等进行系统研究,以满足不同应用背景的发展需求。附参考文献97篇。

According to the technical characteristics and application directions, the domestic and foreign research status of additive manufacturing technology in propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics are summarized. The principle, process characteristics and application of material jetting, material extruding, vat photopolymerization in propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics fabrication are generalized. Meanwhile, the material characteristics of energetic materials used in additive manufacture are introduced,and the development direction of material manufacturing technology is predicted. It is pointed out that the additive manufacture technology of propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics should be systematically studied according to the application background, and the energy characteristics, mechanical properties, energy release characteristics and process adaptability of formulations(ie. consumables)should be systematically studied to meet different application development needs. With 97 references.