
(1.南京理工大学 化学与化工学院,江苏 南京 210094; 2.西安近代化学研究所,陕西 西安 710065)

纳米金属粉; 单质硝胺炸药; 复合物; 含能材料; 包覆; 嵌入结构

Research Progress of the Effect of Composite Structures on the Properties of Energetic Composites of Micro-and Nano-scaled Metal Powder/single-compound Nitroamine Explosive
LIU Qi-min1, PANG Wei-qiang2, NAN Feng-qiang1

(1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094,China; 2.Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, China)

nano-metric metal powder; single-compound nitroamine explosive; composites; energetic materials; coating; embedded structure

DOI: 10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.202312006


为了研究微纳米金属粉对单质硝胺炸药性能的影响和机理,总结了微纳米金属粉与单质硝胺炸药不同复合方式(如机械混合、核-壳包覆、金属嵌入和其他复合方式)下不同的微纳米金属粉对不同单质硝胺炸药的作用; 分析了复合含能材料中金属粉粒径和含量等变化对不同单质硝胺炸药热分解特性和感度性能的影响; 讨论了微纳米金属粉与单质硝胺炸药不同复合方式和制备方法对复合含能材料性能的影响。最后建议复合含能材料今后的研究重点为:拓展新的微纳米金属粉进行研究; 深化微纳米金属粉与单质硝铵炸药之间的相互作用; 研究新的含能材料复合结构; 综合机器学习设计筛选新型复合含能材料和开拓含能复合材料工程方面应用的研究。附
In order to study the influence and mechanism of micro-and nano-sized metal powders on the properties of single-compound nitroamine explosives, the effects of different micro-and nano-sized metal powders on different single-compound nitroamine explosives under various composite modes(such as mechanical mixing, core-shell coating, metal embedding and other composite modes)are summarized. The effect of particle size and mass fraction of metal powder on the thermal decomposition characteristics and sensitivity performance of single-compound nitroamine explosive are analyzed. The influence of different composite modes and preparation methods of micro-and nano-sized metal powders and single-compound nitroamine explosives on the properties of composite energetic materials is discussed. Finally, the research direction of composite energetic materials is pointed out that: expand new micro-and nano-sized metal powders, deepen the interactions between micro-and nano-sized metal powders and single-compound nitroamine explosives, study the new composite structures of energetic materials, integrate machine learning to design and screen new composite energetic materials, and explore the application of energetic composite materials engineering. 103 References are attached.